Here’s your digest for today! 
undefined: :thumbsup: just wanted to make sure. I'll add a comment on there 
 Tal, understood, though keep in mind we can improve on docs in steps 
re `readthedocs`, I'm generally for it. <@U4RAXBZ1Q> note that we're talking 
API docs specifically - we'd also like to have fuller documentation on the main 
website (at some point). Though if it's a problem then I suppose having the 
sphinx generated output on the main website works too.
undefined: why not have both?
undefined: [UPDATE] i found solutions to all problems with documenting models. 
however it's going to be a lot of busywork to convert all of the docs ... this 
is going to be a fun day
undefined: [UPDATE] Had an issue today with some modifications made to the 
execution graph - mainly failed to have more than one dependency. we will merge 
the fix to master tomorrow.
undefined: [UPDATE] so, not done yet. :slightly_smiling_face: i'm working my 
ass off on this ... but finally documentation for models is close to complete. 
i did find one bug with association templates that i will try to solve 
tomorrow. but otherwise every single thing is documented, and looks amazing 
(except for service modifications, which i'm basically ignoring).

i've focused mostly on models and there are still some other parts that need 
some attention, though they won't have all the python craziness that 
declarative models present ... should be a breeze. hopefully everything will be 
done tomorrow and i can do a PR.

on the way, i found a small bug with instantiating substitution templates, 
which i fixed.

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