> I suggest we respect Jorge's decision and give him more time/space.
> Considering he spent 6 months last year trying to donate arrow2 to ASF
> and couldn't get it through,

Of course, I apologize if I wasn't being respectful.  However, this is the
first I'm hearing, and I would guess others on the list,are hearing that it
was a 6 month effort to try to get it donated and it failed (the only
reference I could find in [1][2] which looks like people agreed).  Is there
any background reading for what went wrong?. If this was due to something
on the ASF side it seems like we should be escalating to the board as an

If there are other blockers it would be good to understand them.  Without
understanding the issues I don't see how it would be any less effort on
another attempt and I wouldn't realistically expect anyone to go through it
again.  In other words, this would seem to nullify the hypothesis that
arrow2 would eventually get donated unless there are ways to mitigate the
issues that came up the first time around.  Hopefully, also if the
community understood the issues it could help out so Jorge would not need
to carry the entire load himself.

To repeat, I think it is OK if arrow2 does not get donated but having
transparency is important.

 trust him to make
> decisions that will best push the project forward on a technical
> front.

Definitely. agree here.

[2] https://github.com/apache/arrow-experimental-rs-arrow2/pull/1

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