
I would also suggest a "bugfix" or "backport candidate" label if we want to make it easier to cherrypick changes for bugfix releases.



Le 06/01/2023 à 17:57, Will Jones a écrit :
Hello Arrow devs,

For the monorepo, I would like to propose adding two new labels to issues:

    1. breaking-change: for changes that break API compatibility.
    2. critical-fix: for bug fixes that address bugs that are important for
    users will want to know about, but may not realize affect them. The primary
    type I have observed in the Arrow repo are bugs that produce incorrect or
    invalid data. Security vulnerabilities are another type. Bugs that caused
    errors or crashes generally wouldn't count, since users are aware of the
    errors they get. (Though I am definitely open to arguments for a
    different definition or name.)

I would additionally propose that these labels are validated during the
release process and included in the change notes. By validated, I mean
someone should review all the changes in a particular release to make sure
all relevant issues are tagged with these labels. These are the two kinds
of issues I think users will most want to know about when considering
upgrading an Arrow library: what APIs changed? And what's the risk of not

I am willing to be responsible for maintaining these labels for the next
few releases for Python, R, and C++. I have been compiling the list of
these issues for past versions, as part of my work for my employer, so I'm
on the hook for this regardless. Having these labels available and used by
developers and reviewers would make that work much easier. And, of course,
our users would benefit by having this information easily available in our
release notes.

It's also worth mentioning these two labels are useful if we decide to
change how we do releases. The breaking-change label can help decide
whether we actually need to increment the major version. And the
critical-fix label can help guide which bug fixes are worth applying to
older supported releases. I don't think we are ready for either of those
yet, but I thought it's worth connecting those dots.


Will Jones

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