Stephen McConnell wrote:

> The Avalon community established a PMC to represent the community
> interests concerning the direction and administration of the Avalon
> project.  The community interests were clear - a single platform, one
> specification, a cohesive solution.  That decision was not respected by
> the outgoing chair nor the board of directors of the ASF.

The Board had nothing to do with the closure.  The "outgoing chair" tried
for a long time to resolve it by other changes.  The fact is that you
decided that your vision was more important than the community's vision, and
proceeded to engineer consensus by attrition, both within the community and
within the PMC, including asking both myself and another PMC member to

Despite that, I continued to work to keep Merlin at the ASF, as did at least
one Director who had offered to personally mentor the project.  You were not
willing to accept any proposals, and prefered to remove Merlin elsewhere.

Aaron is right to thank all of those who put blood, sweat and tears into

> Irrespective of the above obstacles a real and tangible alternative to
> ASF continues under  The fundamental difference -
> no distinction between the people who contribute and the people who run
> the process.

In other words, you make the rules and run the show.

        --- Noel

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