Hi Beam devs,

Emergencies can and will happen. As Apache Beam adoption continues to grow,
the user community will naturally expect the Beam developer community to
react to critical issues, such as security vulnerabilities in our
dependencies. I want to make sure the dev community is in agreement that we
follow the ASF Vulnerability Handling processes [1] for such occurrences.

In addition, I'd like to discuss cases in which data correctness/loss may
warrant an expedited release (i.e., we did not wait 72 hours), as we did in
2.1.1 [2].  Concretely:


   Do we need to add anything to our project website so the user community
   knows how we react to such issues?

   Should we have an entry in the contributor guide to address critical
   point releases, so we eliminate any guesswork in the event of an emergency?
   (Example text [3])




[2] https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@beam.apache.org:lte=40M:2.1.1

*[3] Example text for the contributor guideline:What requires a critical
point release? - A data loss bug- A data corruption bug- A processing
correctness bug- For security vulnerabilities, please follow
<https://apache.org/security/committers.html#vulnerability-handling> .What
do we do a critical point release on?Our first priority is to stop the
bleeding. We ought to prioritize a point release for the latest Beam
version, based on the release branch, that cherrypicks only the intended
fix. - We've done it before! Remember 2.1.1
<https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@beam.apache.org:lte=40M:2.1.1>? -
Since this is a critical release, we can relax our usual 72 hour voting
policy. It worked well for 2.1.1, we should make it repeatable: Propose,
have PMC folks do due diligence on the request, and sign off. Since this is
critical, we may want to have more than one person working on the release.-
Once we get it out, the community can discuss which previous releases would
benefit from a potential point release. Who proposes a critical point
release?Any member of the community. 3 PMC +1 votes are sufficient to get
the process rolling.*

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