Hello all,

It was brought to my attention recently that Python users in Slack are not
getting much support, because most of the Beam Python-knowledgeable people
are not on Slack. Unfortunately, in the Beam site, we do refer people to
Slack for assistance[1].

Java users do receive reasonable support, because there are enough Beam
Java-knowledgeable people online, and willing to answer.

On the other hand, at Google we do have a number of people who are
responsible to answer questions on StackOverflow[2], and we do our best to
answer promptly. I think we do a reasonable job overall.

How should we advise the community to ask questions about Beam?
- Perhaps we should encourage people to try the mailing list first
- Perhaps we should encourage people to try StackOverflow first
- Perhaps we should write a bot that encourages Python users to go to
- something else?

My personal opinion is that a mailing list is not great: It's intimidating,
it does not provide great indexing or searchability.


I think explicitly encouraging everyone to go to StackOverflow first will
be the best alternative: It's indexed, searchable, less intimidating than
the mailing list. We can add that they can try Slack as well - without any

What do others think?

[1] https://beam.apache.org/community/contact-us/
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/apache-beam?tab=Newest

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