I've added some Geo information to the Beam GA report[1]. In my opinion, it
makes sense to target cities with the largest existing Beam presence (along
with, perhaps, places where people can travel easily).

- London and Paris are the top cities in Europe for visits to the Beam
site, so I feel that Paris could be a good location.
- In the US, NY is the largest single city, but if we count all of the
Silicon Valley locations near the top, then both NYC and Bay Area are very
large (Bay Area comes out on top).

- For Asia, I guess it's a little tricky. Are community members aware of
meetups that have been organized in Asia? We could try to work backwards
from that evidence of 'community engagement', and see if there are some
outstanding locations. In the GA report, Japan, China, India are all very
large - Bangalore is the second largest city globally for visits to the
Beam site. +Reza Rokni <r...@google.com> thoughts?

[1] http://s.apache.org/beam-ga-report

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 3:17 AM Griselda Cuevas <g...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Beam Community!
> I'd like to kick off a thread to discuss potential dates and venues for
> the 2020 Beam Summits.
> I did some research on industry conferences happening in 2020 and
> pre-selected a few ranges as follows:
> (2 days) NA between mid-May and mid-June
> (2 days) EU mid October
> (1 day) Asia Mini Summit:  March
> I'd like to hear your thoughts on these dates and get consensus on exact
> dates as the convo progresses.
> For locations these are the options I reviewed:
> *NA: *Austin Texas, Berkeley California, Mexico City.
> *Europe: *Warsaw, Barcelona, Paris
> Asia: Singapore
> Let the discussion begin!
> G (on behalf of the Beam Summit Steering Committee)

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