Thanks for the response, Alexey and Ke.
Agree with your point to introduce a new metric type (say Percentiles)
instead of altering the Distribution metric type to ensure compatibility
across runners and sdks.
I am currently working on a prototype to add this new metric type to the
metrics API and testing it with samza runner. I can share a design doc with
the community with possible solutions very soon.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 9:26 AM Alexey Romanenko <>

> I agree with Ke Wu in the way that we need to keep compatibility across
> all runners and the same metrics. So, it seems that it would be better to
> create another metric type in this case.
> Also, to discuss it in details, I’d recommend to create a design document
> with possible solutions and examples.
> —
> Alexey
> On 14 Sep 2021, at 19:04, Ke Wu <> wrote:
> I prefer adding a new metrics type instead of enhancing the existing
> Distribution [1] to support percentiles etc in order to ensure better
> compatibility.
> @Luke @Kyle what are your thoughts on this?
> Best,
> Ke
> [1]
> On Sep 7, 2021, at 1:28 PM, Ajo Thomas <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am working on adding support for some additional distribution metrics
> like std dev, percentiles to the Metrics API. The runner of interest here
> is Samza runner. I wanted to get the opinion of fellow beam devs on this.
> One way to do this would be to make changes to the existing Distribution
> metric:
> - Add additional metrics to Distribution metric- custom percentiles, std
> dev, mean. Use Dropwizard Histogram under the hood in DistributionData to
> track the distribution of the data.
> - This also means changes to accompanying classes like DistributionData,
> DistributionResult which might involve runner specific changes.
> Is this an acceptable change or would you suggest something else? Is the
> Distribution metric only intended to track the metrics that it is currently
> tracking- sum, min, max, count?
> Thanks
> Ajo

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