Thanks, encoding sketch data using a new URN makes sense.

- Ajo

On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 11:22 AM Luke Cwik <> wrote:

> Yes you could encode the sketch information but would need to use new URNs
> because the encoding for the existing ones are already fixed. The point of
> adding new URNs is to specifically be able to add new formats and
> specifications over time.
> On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 10:34 AM Ajo Thomas <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the pointers, Luke and sorry for replying late on this thread.
>> Distribution metric's - *void update(long sum, long count, long min,
>> long max)* certainly seems like dead code and should be okay to remove.
>> I can reach out to the original author to confirm.
>> As for the approach for computing quantiles, I took a pass at quantile
>> sketches using moments [1] which you were referring to and DD sketches from
>> Datadog [2][3]. Both seem to be mergeable.
>> Moments based approach seems to have a smaller memory footprint compared
>> to DDSketch. The memory usage for moments sketch is fixed- based on k
>> moments and doesn't depend on the input data. Whereas for DDSketch, it
>> could run into a few KBs per [4] for an unbounded sketch. Bounded sketches
>> seem to be inaccurate for tail ends of the distribution. These are just
>> some preliminary thoughts that I have gathered from a quick scan of the
>> literature/code so far. Need to spend more time on it.
>> Regarding representing these metrics in a portable way, can we encode the
>> information to reconstruct the sketch in DistributionData using
>> MonitoringInfo being used in the following ways right now in the runners-
>> Certain runners are currently using the monitoring info to update the
>> DistributionData and others {Metric}Data(s) in the metric containers.
>> MonitoringInfo is also being used as the output type for portable metrics
>> results. [6]
>> If I understand correctly, the only way to have a mergeable quantile
>> metric is if we keep the sketch information in DistributionData and encode
>> it to MonitoringInfo's payload. But then is it okay to have the sketch
>> information in the portable pipeline metrics results? [6] For non-portable
>> pipelines, it's different since DistributionData is being converted to
>> DistributionResult. The DistributionResult class can only have the
>> quantiles and other metrics it currently reports and not the sketch.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> [7]
>> - Ajo
>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 1:23 PM Luke Cwik <> wrote:
>>> That change stems from PR#7183 [1] and looks like dead code now. Might
>>> be worthwhile to talk to the original author about removing the method
>>> update(sum, count, min, max).
>>> Also, the issue with distributions has always been about:
>>> A) How to specify them in a portable fashion (describing the encoding
>>> via the URN) [2]
>>> B) How to merge the buckets. There are techniques to merge various
>>> buckets dynamically using a quantile sketch[3] or you need users to specify
>>> the ranges upfront and it would be an error for a user to define the same
>>> metric multiple times with different ranges. I did really like the quantile
>>> sketch approach since it didn't require users to "guess" what the range was
>>> and it would adapt over time if the buckets changed (good properties to
>>> have with long running streaming pipelines).
>>> 1:
>>> 2:
>>> 3:
>>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 8:55 AM Ajo Thomas <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I can definitely share a PR with my changes for the Distribution metric
>>>> soon.
>>>> But there is something that I wanted to discuss first. As per the
>>>> original design doc for metrics api,
>>>>, it seems like the Distribution
>>>> metric interface was only intended to have a single method to update the
>>>> distribution- *update(long value)*. This made the Distribution Metric
>>>> easily extensible.
>>>> The current Distribution metric interface [1], however, exposes another
>>>> method- *void update(long sum, long count, long min, long max).* This
>>>> call in turn calls the update method in the DistributionCell[2] which
>>>> directly sets the values in the DistributionData[3] class.
>>>> DistributionData would contain the logic to compute percentiles but the
>>>> other *update *method in the user facing Distribution api makes it
>>>> hard to add anything new. Our user's mostly use the *update(value)* method
>>>> to update the distribution over updating the individual values- sum, min,
>>>> max...
>>>> 1.
>>>> 2.
>>>> 3.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 11:33 AM Ke Wu <> wrote:
>>>>> +1 would love to see a PR/Proposal out.
>>>>> This is a highly demanding feature our users at LinkedIn are asking
>>>>> for as well.
>>>>> On Sep 17, 2021, at 10:56, Pablo Estrada <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for working on this!
>>>>> In the past, we have avoided adding complex metrics because metrics
>>>>> tend to be aggregated in the control path rather than the data path - and
>>>>> we worried about overwhelming the metrics backends - however users have in
>>>>> the past asked for more information in the distribution metric itself. I
>>>>> think it makes sense to provide more info, while allowing runners to 
>>>>> report
>>>>> as much as they see fit. I'd love to see a proposal / PR for this.
>>>>> fyi @Robert Bradshaw <>
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 10:37 AM Ajo Thomas <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the response, Alexey and Ke.
>>>>>> Agree with your point to introduce a new metric type (say
>>>>>> Percentiles) instead of altering the Distribution metric type to ensure
>>>>>> compatibility across runners and sdks.
>>>>>> I am currently working on a prototype to add this new metric type to
>>>>>> the metrics API and testing it with samza runner. I can share a design 
>>>>>> doc
>>>>>> with the community with possible solutions very soon.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Ajo
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 9:26 AM Alexey Romanenko <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I agree with Ke Wu in the way that we need to keep compatibility
>>>>>>> across all runners and the same metrics. So, it seems that it would be
>>>>>>> better to create another metric type in this case.
>>>>>>> Also, to discuss it in details, I’d recommend to create a design
>>>>>>> document with possible solutions and examples.
>>>>>>> —
>>>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>>> On 14 Sep 2021, at 19:04, Ke Wu <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I prefer adding a new metrics type instead of enhancing the existing
>>>>>>> Distribution [1] to support percentiles etc in order to ensure better
>>>>>>> compatibility.
>>>>>>> @Luke @Kyle what are your thoughts on this?
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Ke
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> On Sep 7, 2021, at 1:28 PM, Ajo Thomas <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I am working on adding support for some additional distribution
>>>>>>> metrics like std dev, percentiles to the Metrics API. The runner of
>>>>>>> interest here is Samza runner. I wanted to get the opinion of fellow 
>>>>>>> beam
>>>>>>> devs on this.
>>>>>>> One way to do this would be to make changes to the existing
>>>>>>> Distribution metric:
>>>>>>> - Add additional metrics to Distribution metric- custom percentiles,
>>>>>>> std dev, mean. Use Dropwizard Histogram under the hood in 
>>>>>>> DistributionData
>>>>>>> to track the distribution of the data.
>>>>>>> - This also means changes to accompanying classes like
>>>>>>> DistributionData, DistributionResult which might involve runner specific
>>>>>>> changes.
>>>>>>> Is this an acceptable change or would you suggest something else? Is
>>>>>>> the Distribution metric only intended to track the metrics that it is
>>>>>>> currently tracking- sum, min, max, count?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Ajo

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