
This is an exciting technology that I'm enjoying learning about.  I'm
learning best through the examples throughout the Beam docs.  (My favorite
examples have been those around the clicks, views, and batch RPC calls in
the state and timer sections.)  I'm able to run proofs of concept locally
with direct, interactive pipeline runners using those helpful examples.
I'm finding it difficult, however, to make less trivial local Docker
environments that use other runners like FlinkRunner.  There are many
pipeline options to weed through and I'd benefit if they were explained in
more detail.  If there were a complete example of a Docker Compose Flink
runner environment + the correct pipeline settings, that would help
immensely.  It seems other devs on the corners of Stack Overflow are having
similar problems understanding the different options like
environment_type=LOOPBACK|EXTERNAL|DOCKER|PROCESS|etc. and are also
struggling to get a Flink environment spun up.  (I'm using the Python and
Go SDKs.)


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