On Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 8:58 AM Alexey Romanenko <aromanenko....@gmail.com>

> Thanks for your feedback.
> At the time, using a Google website search was a simplest solution since,
> before, we didn’t have a search at all. I agree that it could be
> frustrating to have ad links before the actual results (not sure that we
> can avoid them there) but "it is what it is” and it's still possible to
> have the correct links further which is better than nothing.
> Beam community is always welcome for suggestions and, especially,
> contributions to improve the project in any possible way. I’d be happy to
> assist on this topic if someone will decide to improve Beam website search.

+1, PRs welcome :)
I put some specific suggestions for a replacement in the issue, based on
recommendations from the hugo docs [1].

[1] https://gohugo.io/tools/search/

> —
> Alexey
> On 3 Oct 2022, at 23:21, Borris <bor...@chaos.org.uk> wrote:
> This is my experience of trying the search capability.
>    - I know I want to read about dataframes (I was reading this 10
>    minutes ago but browsing history didn't take me back to where I wanted)
>    - I search for "dataframes"
>    - I am presented with a whole load of pages that are elsewhere (other
>    sites) - maybe what I want is some pages below, but I stop at this point as
>    I think its a fundamental failure of what I expect from the search dialogue
>    - If I enter "beam.apache.org: dataframe" to the search dialogue then
>    the sensible relevant page is now visible, only 5 links down
>    - I know this may be a penalty of getting a "free" search service from
>    your viewpoint
>    - But from my viewpoint this is a failure. Your search capability
>    fails to understand that by searching for something on your site, rather
>    than generically through a search engine, I am massively predisposed to the
>    pages on your site, whereas the search results are more predisposed to
>    offering advertising opportunities.
>    - It is very frustrating that something as simple as, on the Beam
>    site, going to the page about Beam Dataframes takes such a level of hoop
>    jumping
> That is my feedback offering. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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