If the merge message is a key part of this then I'm fine using
behaviorbot (though I think a PMC member would need to install it, I don't
have the right permission set).

> I'd also be happy to leverage first-interaction for everything it can do,
and only use welcome-bot for the things that aren't met elsewhere [ also
happy to eventually remove welcome-bot, ex: after that ASF campaign or once
a suitable off-the-shelf replacement comes along ]

I don't think we should do this, there's not really a benefit gained if
we're still using welcome-bot.

> @Danny McCormick <dannymccorm...@google.com> - any idea whether there is
another tool that can help with messaging on first-pr-merge that we'd be
more happy with [ I can search around some if that's the path ]?

My best alternative would be actions/first-interaction for first issues/prs
opened and a custom workflow using an if/else and
<https://github.com/marketplace/actions/comment-pull-request> for the pr
merge comment, that is probably more trouble than it is worth though (>10
lines of code for something that can just be config).

> And/or since I imagine you might know GH Action internals [ IIRC you had
worked with/for that organization ] better than me at the moment, do you
think that's functionality that could straightforwardly be added to
first-interaction <https://github.com/actions/first-interaction> [ if they
would accept a PR ]

This wouldn't be too hard codewise, but the team hasn't been especially
responsive on external code reviews, so I wouldn't block on this route.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 11:15 AM Austin Bennett <whatwouldausti...@gmail.com>

> There are lots of great places for messages/encouragement to developers as
> they work more into our community.  Though, PR merge messages would
> potentially be quite valuable [ for ex:
> https://news.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-asf-launches-firstasfcontribution-campaign
> ... specifically, I wanted to send a message thanking for someone's first
> PR merge, and encourage them to fill out the form
> <https://forms.gle/FDwR9wLZCkwhirTM9> ( while that campaign is active
> ), so that they then write up something for ASF to publish, which in-turn
> increases the visibility of Beam :-) and Beam as a great example of a
> healthy ASF project ].
> No disagreement that if something exists off-the-shelf that is actions
> based that is a plenty fine way to proceed.  For the shared use-case, the
> PR merge is the ideal place to message.
> Alternatives:
> * I'd also be happy to leverage first-interaction for everything it can
> do, and only use welcome-bot for the things that aren't met elsewhere [
> also happy to eventually remove welcome-bot, ex: after that ASF campaign or
> once a suitable off-the-shelf replacement comes along ]
> or
> * @Danny McCormick <dannymccorm...@google.com> - any idea whether there
> is another tool that can help with messaging on first-pr-merge that we'd be
> more happy with [ I can search around some if that's the path ]?  And/or
> since I imagine you might know GH Action internals [ IIRC you had worked
> with/for that organization ] better than me at the moment, do you think
> that's functionality that could straightforwardly be added to
> first-interaction <https://github.com/actions/first-interaction> [ if
> they would accept a PR ].  Else, if we think the APIs support a
> decent/straightforward design, I can always create a custom GH action.  I
> can dig in there if that's the route needed to accomplish, but thought you
> might recall the GH APIs better than my current knowledge.  Thoughts?
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 6:47 PM Danny McCormick via dev <
> dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>> Hey Austin, I'm +1 for adding a welcome bot, I would vote we use
>> https://github.com/actions/first-interaction instead though.
>> The pros I see are:
>> - (minor) we don't need to install the bot (which would require infra
>> approval I believe)
>> - GitHub has generally lowered (if not completely deprecated) probot apps
>> in favor of actions
>> - it matches our other automations which are all actions based
>> The only con I see:
>> - actions/first-interaction doesn't support PR merge messages (
>> https://github.com/behaviorbot/welcome#first-pr-merge)
>> If you put up a PR for `first-interaction`, I'm happy to review/merge
>> (barring further disagreement on this thread).
>> Thanks,
>> Danny
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 4:33 PM Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Devs,
>>> I'd like us to consider adding behaviorbot
>>> <https://github.com/behaviorbot>, and specifically behaviorbot/welcome
>>> <https://github.com/behaviorbot/welcome> to beam's repo.  This will
>>> allow us to easily have a bit of messaging to new contributors.  Ex: on
>>> first issue creation and/or first PR.  Such messaging gets defined in
>>> `.github/config.yml` ...
>>> I imagine this is not particularly contentious.  If we do believe fine,
>>> can someone install: https://github.com/apps/welcome to our repo?  Once
>>> in the repo, I can configure [ and get a review for ] the messaging for the
>>> various conditions [ to live in `.github/config.yml`  ]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Austin

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