I want to build an old version of HDP.

I think you need some considerations.

* Products of HDP x.y.z is expected to be built against products of HDP x.y.z.
  The versions of products of HDP and Bigtop do not match.
  You will need to fix scripts of Bigtop for resolving mismatch.
  (do-component-build and install_*.sh tend to be relevant.)

* Even if you succeeded to build Bigtop package from HDP source code,
  the contents should be quite different from HDP one.
  (You should just use .srpm of HDP for building .rpm of HDP if available.)

* Artifacts of HDP usually depend on HDP specific artifacts
  published in Hortonworks Maven repositories.
  (This could be resolved by just tweaking ~/.m2/settings.xml or pom.xml of 

Practical example:  *In master:* I want to build spark 2.3.0.  If I use
bigtop.bom or git to build both fail when they try to apply

The master branch of Bigtop is expected to build Spark 3 against Hadoop 3.

Just removing patches should not be enough.

On 2021/06/03 10:26, Jun HE wrote:
Hi Matt,

Are you just trying to disable a certain patch temporarily? If yes, my
understanding is that just delete that patch
in bigtop-packages/src/common/<component>/ would work. Pls have a try.



Matt Andruff <m...@andruffsolutions.com> 于2021年6月3日周四 上午4:16写道:

Good Day Team,

I want to build an old version of HDP.  Theoretically I should be able to
do that with BigTop, but I'm having issues because patches are running and
not finding what they're looking for and failing my build.

How do I turn off a patch intended for a different version (say spark

Practical example:  *In master:* I want to build spark 2.3.0.  If I use
bigtop.bom or git to build both fail when they try to apply
Which is totally needed for a fix in some later version of spark, but not
the version I'm using. As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to turn
on/off specific version patches, or perhaps this patch isn't following the

Should I open a ticket to create a new functionality that only applies
patches to specific versions? Or is this already baked in and I have hit a
subtle bug?

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