On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Alex Boisvert <alex.boisv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The project method could be overloaded to not only return a project but also
> define a project if a block is given, e.g.,
> project :foo # => returns the project named :foo if it exists
> project :foo do
>  ...  # define the project
> end
> I feel it would be consistent with many of Rake's task constructors, such as
> file('/path/to/file') do ... end, so I'm open to the idea of allowing this
> provided it doesn't break backward compatibility.

works for me. I would presume that the project named :foo would be
returned from both methods.

> I've also been entertaining the idea (which we discussed this briefly with
> Antoine and Jim Weirich at GoGaRuCo) of aliasing Task.enhance to depends_on,
> accepting either a single task or a list of tasks,
> task(:foo).depends_on :bar
> task(:foo).depends_on :bar, :baz


> and adding convenience methods such as first, and last:
> task(:foo).first do
>  # block will be executed before 'enhance' blocks
> end
> task(:foo).last do
>  # block will be executed after 'enhance' blocks
> end

Although the functionality seems nice, those method names are not
intuitive to me. I can't think of anything better off the top of my


Peter Donald

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