What is the suggested flow for the forked repositories?
The forks would probably need to make adjustments: either rename the branch
or re-target the branch (and update CI configuration).

I don't think a volunteer can help with updating forks including private
ones :(

Even if we rename `master` branch, Calcite would still use the labor of
Jenkins slaves that are controlled by Jenkins master to verify Calcite
Does that mean we must stop using Jenkins immediately?

AFAIK there's just one week left before https://builds.apache.org/
decommission (~15
Aug or so), so we need to migrate to https://ci-builds.apache.org/ or
reject Jenkins to avoid slavery.


Just in case: as a non-native speaker, I treat "master branch" and "main
branch" virtually indistinguishable.
However, "master branch" has a strong reference to the name of a Git
branch, while "main branch" sounds more like "a branch which is used a main
for some reason".
In other words, "main" does sound like a significantly broader term, and it
might require extra clarification when used.


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