Hi all,

In the recent votes for Calcite [1] and Avatica [2] there were some -1
votes regarding minified javascript files present in the source releases.

The concerns are raised for the following files:

>From discussions in other lists it seems that there are Apache source
releases including minified files so I don't think we are violating any
policy by including them but there are deferring opinions on this topic

To avoid bringing back the discussion to if minified javascript should be
present or not I would like to propose one of the following alternatives:

1. It seems that both of the aforementioned scripts [5,6] are used for
compatibility reasons with old browsers. I think most of the people are not
using these browsers anymore so I would suggest removing them altogether
from the code.

2. If for some reason we need to keep them then we could directly use the
non minified version. The difference of minified vs unminified for both
files is ~6KB so I doubt it will have any real impact with the internet
connections that we use nowadays.

What do you think?


[5] https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
[6] https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv

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