
Right now, we have two build servers:
- Camel builds for deploying nightly snapshots are running on
- Camel builds are running fine on hudson.zones.apache.org for a few weeks now

Apache also has a Nexus repository manager installed at
http://repository.apache.org now.
I'd like to start deploying our SNAPSHOTs to this repository from
Hudson directly instead of using the separate build server.  In the
future, we should also be able to leverage Nexus for the release
process as well, i.e. deploy the artifacts under vote to a Nexus
staging repo and then just promote the artifacts into the release repo
after teh vote.

The major downside would be that the repository url for snapshots
would change from
http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/ to


Gert Vanthienen
Open Source SOA: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/

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