+1. Let's do it

On 23/03/2009, Gert Vanthienen <gert.vanthie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> L.S.,
> Right now, we have two build servers:
> - Camel builds for deploying nightly snapshots are running on
> http://projects.open.iona.com/builds/status
> - Camel builds are running fine on hudson.zones.apache.org for a few weeks
> now
> Apache also has a Nexus repository manager installed at
> http://repository.apache.org now.
> I'd like to start deploying our SNAPSHOTs to this repository from
> Hudson directly instead of using the separate build server.  In the
> future, we should also be able to leverage Nexus for the release
> process as well, i.e. deploy the artifacts under vote to a Nexus
> staging repo and then just promote the artifacts into the release repo
> after teh vote.
> The major downside would be that the repository url for snapshots
> would change from
> http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/ to
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots.
> Regards,
> Gert Vanthienen
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA: http://fusesource.com
> Blog: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/


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