
Absolutely valid point. Are you saying that you'd like that *in addition to* a 
wiki way of updating documentation or *instead of*? 


On Nov 11, 2010, at 8:29 AM, Jon Anstey wrote:

> I think this thread is over but I just wanted to agree on a point Johan (and
> probably others) made here.
> "Not to mention if you actually fix a bug and submit a patch you could fix
> documentation in one feel swoop."
> That is an EXCELLENT point. In the past I've always put off writing any docs
> for a code change (bad, I know..) partly because confluence is slow
> and cumbersome and also because once the code fix has been made docs seem
> lower priority... I think being able to do both in one commit would make doc
> updates happen more often. I mean, sometimes it may be just that you renamed
> an endpoint URI property so it may be a really simple change to the docs.
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Johan Edstrom <> wrote:
>> I actually really liked the scalate project and writing the docs in IDEA,
>> making a patch and tossing it in github.
>> Offline editing also seems really nice for when you are on planes, in
>> airports or hotels.
>> Not to mention if you actually fix a bug and submit a patch you could fix
>> documentation in one feel swoop.
>> And with the possibility of editing and running Jetty locally - it was
>> really easy.
>> Just my .02, i'm one of those that like irc for the quick informal style
>> over forums for example,
>> I also really like svn/git since I have tooling around versioning et al.
>> And yeah, making patches is "klunky" using diff and things like that.
>> /je
>> On Nov 10, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Hadrian Zbarcea wrote:
>>> On Nov 10, 2010, at 10:28 AM, James Strachan wrote:
>>>> On 10 November 2010 15:15, Daniel Kulp <> wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday 10 November 2010 9:59:11 am James Strachan wrote:
>>>>>> On 10 November 2010 14:51, Daniel Kulp <> wrote:
>>>>>>> For most of the people on this list, it ISN'T a big deal.   We deal
>> with
>>>>>>> svn and mvn every day.   For others, it could be.
>>>>>> Given 99% of all our documentation and web content is developed by
>>>>>> committers or folks who are capable of editing text files and using
>>>>>> git/svn, I'd rather use a system that helps the 99% be more effective.
>>>>>> Maybe you should just help out this one CXF person & show them how to
>>>>>> fork & commit to github (its very easy), then you can easily pull
>>>>>> their commits from there?
>>>>> Umm..  no.   Pulling branches from github is NOT, at this point, an
>> acceptable
>>>>> way of getting content into an Apache product.   They would still need
>> to
>>>>> create a patch and attach it to  JIRA with the "grant" checkbox
>> checked.
>>>> Whatever happens folks have to raise a JIRA and click the "grant"
>> checkbox.
>>>> I fail to see why a link to a specific commit (i.e. a link to a number
>>>> of patches) is any less suitable than a number of patch files being
>>>> attached in place to the JIRA. Got anything specific to back this up
>>>> or is it just that we've not done it before?
>>>> Patch files are a total PITA for both the person contributing and the
>>>> person applying the patch. (They usually break, get out of sync, have
>>>> whitespace issues and frequently have the wrong path information in
>>>> them & often have problems with new/renamed/deleted files).
>>>> If this discussion really is about being a "community issue" and
>>>> making it easy for both folks to contribute and for committers to
>>>> apply those contributions, I'd rather we figure out this issue of
>>>> using links to git commits as an alternative to patch files on JIRAs -
>>>> this could make a *massive* difference to both getting contributions
>>>> and more effectively applying them IMHO. Helping scm-novices
>>>> contribute to documentation (which they've never really done so far on
>>>> Camel anyway) seems quite irrelevant in comparison.
>>> I don't know if this is a scm-novices issues. We had contributions from
>> not committers in the past.
>>> Johan (before his commiter days) is one example, Steve Bate is another. I
>> would rather ask them how likely would it be to contribute to doc if they
>> had to co/edit/submit-patch, vs edit in-place wiki style.
>>> I know they are not scm-novices.
>>> I am open to any alternative that would not raise the barrier to entry
>> for documentation contributors and that's acceptable to the ASF.
>>> Hadrian
>>>> --
>>>> James
>>>> -------
>>>> FuseSource
>>>> Email:
>>>> Web:
>>>> Twitter: jstrachan
>>>> Blog:
>>>> Open Source Integration
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Jon
> ---------------
> FuseSource
> Email:
> Web:
> Twitter: jon_anstey
> Blog:
> Author of Camel in Action:

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