It seems to me this discussion is mostly related to how / when introduce
changes in the API.
One possible way would be:
  * micro release: no api change
  * minor release: 100% backward compatible api changes
  * major release: incompatible changes

Now, I agree with Hiram in that @deprecated would be better introduced in
3.0 and removed in 3.1 (or even later in 4.0) rather than have them
introduced in 2.9 and removed in 3.0.   The reason is that people are not
supposed to do major migration work between minor releases, so if we
introduce the chagnes in 2.9, it means they *should* change when upgrading.
 It seems slightly better to make them change when upgrading to 3.0 (and
give them a bit of time to do so).

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 13:13, Claus Ibsen <> wrote:

> Hi
> I would like to propose that Camel source code currently on trunk is
> to be Camel 3.0.0.
> And the current code on the 2.8.x branch is to be used for the 2.x
> lifetime of Camel.
> The reason for this can be summarized as:
> 1) All the API changes on trunk, and still to be done API changes
> 2) Preserve Camel 2.x API stability
> 3) Camel 2.x continue as usual
> 4) Camel 2.x is already 2+ years old.
> 5) The community would expect work on Camel 3.0 starting soon.
> By letting the trunk code be targeted for Camel 3.0.0, we open the
> ability to refactor the API more freely,
> and without causing trouble for our large group of 2.x Camel users,
> who are not expecting API changes in the camel-core at all.
> Likewise the latest merges on the 2.8.x branch is already including
> new features and other improvements,
> which is a good offset for Camel 2.9.0. We can of course backport "the
> missings" from trunk such as:
> new components, and other improvements, new features, which we think
> is worthwhile
> and that the community would like to have in the Camel 2.9 release.
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> FuseSource
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Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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