On Dec 3, 2010, at 9:43 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> The status quo is not working.  There are way too many questions on
> the user list and on irc about problems with writing Thrift code, even
> when well-maintained clients exist for their language of choice.  And
> that's just the users who were motivated enough to ask instead of
> tweeting that thrift sucks and giving up. [...]

This problem isn't unique to Cassandra.  It cropped up, e.g., in managing the 
proliferation of Haskell libraries on Hackage.

One way that this could be accomplished with a relatively even hand is to 
ensure that the relative liveliness of the client libraries is apparent on the 
page, e.g., a most recent release date, the target language (and potentially 
any additional decoration like Spring or Rails or...), and a list of versions 
of Cassandra supported.

The onus is on the client library maintainer to properly advertise their wares 
by updating the entry on the page, and making it sortable/searchable would be a 
win.  (There are some rumblings about MoinMoin 
(http://moinmo.in/FeatureRequests/SortableTables) being able to do this, and 
there is also something like a Google Spreadsheet as an option.

Or a vendor who wanted Cassandra-related traffic could post a client registry 
backed by a simple database...

-- Paul

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