Seriously Gmail ?! F@&* you!

Trying this again, hopefully it'll get it right this time:

I agree that having merge commits each time a new "patch" is committed
is a pain and adds no useful information imo (to be clear I'm not
talking of actual merge (like say cassandra-1.0 -> trunk)), so +1 on
using git pull --rebase to avoid it.

Now, I'm a little slow so I'd like to make sure I understand how we expect
this to work. Currently the life of a ticket goes more or less like that:
- author attaches patches: 0001-uberidea.patch and 0002-unit-test.patch.
- reviewer makes some remarks, maybe some that require fairly intensive changes.
- author attaches new version: 0001-uberidea-v2.patch and
- reviewer makes a few last small remarks.
- author attaches patch 0003-fixes-v3.patch. Note that it could also
attach a v3 of 0001 and 0002 instead, but let's say that those two are
big and the last remarks are small, so attaching a 0003 makes it
easier for the reviewer to quickly check how his last remark has been
- reviewer +1 the patch.
- committer applies the patches on his local svn/git main branch and
push upstream.

The way it could translate with git:
- author says "patches are available at".
- reviewer makes remarks.
- author pushes some more commit on branch 666 (but he does not rebase
because it's a public branch).
- reviewer makes last remarks.
- author pushes one more commit (again, no rebasing).
- reviewer +1 the patch.
- Now has many commits but we want to commit
only one upstream because those commits are the back-and-forth of
review. So committer would be in charge of pulling 666 locally, squash
the commits, then rebase his local main branch against the result (or
cherry-pick the now unique commit) and push upstream?

Does that sound like what we all had in mind?

It seem to me it puts a little bit more work on the committer (he has
to squash commits), but I can live with that. Also, if committer !=
reviewer, there is the slight issue of how the committer make sure
that he commits what has been reviewer (i.e, that author hasn't made
some last minute, post-review change). But I suppose we can either say
"don't do that" and trust people, or ask reviewer to comment with
something like "+1 on 666:<sha1 of last commit>".


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