On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com> wrote:
>> This discourages collaboration because anyone that might fork
>> github.com/author/666 is sitting on a powder keg.
> Alright, but then what is it you're proposing?

That we use rebase on private topic branches as a courtesy to
reviewers (or to streamline the process in general).  That once that
branch has been published, we no longer rebase it.

I also think that a measure of common sense could be applied.  If the
review is particularly arduous, the reviewer and reviewee could agree
to create a new branch (say 666-1) that (privately)
rebases/squashes/etc changesets to complete the final step(s).  Not as
a tool for maintaining some standard for aesthetics in the version
history, but to facilitate review.

>> At best it's yak shaving.  At worst it's going to result in some very
>> frustrated contributors.  This is one of the major reasons why rebase
>> is so contentious, and it's exactly why you hear so many people saying
>> "don't rebase branches that have been published".
> Again, I was more talking about the only reasonable solution I saw.
> Because to be clear, if the history for some issue 666 in say trunk looks 
> like:
> commit eeee: last nits from reviewer
> commit dddd: oops, typo that prevented commit
> commit cccc: some more fix found during review
> commit bbbb: refactor half of preceding patch following reviewer comments
> commit aaaa: Do something awesome - patch for #666

Which is reality, isn't it?  I know it's a contentious argument, but
this *is* the history of the change.

> then imho that's a big regression from current patch based development.

If it is a goal to maintain some objective target for version history
aesthetics, then yes.  I say aesthetics here because I still don't
understand the arguments about it obscuring history or making bisects
impossible (and because you later go on to refer to it as "look[ing]
like shit" :) ).

The other side of the equation is that there is tremendous power to be
had from distributed versioning, and this proposed workflow
discourages taking advantage of that.

> So basically my question is how do we meld all those commits that will
> necessarily happen due to the nature of distributed reviews so that our
> main history don't look like shit? And if the answer is "we don't" then
> I'm not too fond of that solution.

I would argue that our deliverable should be beautiful code, not a
beautifully formatted change history.

Eric Evans
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

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