I am sorry but here, I am not expecting thousands to decide a stable version 
for my use case. I have a serious question about publishing some info on the 
Apache website. As dev list has active contributors, I posted it here. If not 
this forum, Whats the best way to put your suggestions regarding Apache content 
and initiate a meaningful and conclusive discussion thread? 


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, 18 Apr, 2016 at 11:27 PM, Michael 
Kjellman<mkjell...@internalcircle.com> wrote:   This is best for the users 
list. Test the releases yourself and then decide when it's ready for your use 
case, ops team, and organization. This is a personal decision and not one for 
*thousands* of others on this mailing list to make for you.


> On Apr 18, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Anuj Wadehra <anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> For last several months, the "most stable version" question pops up on the 
> user mailing list and then people get all sorts of responses/suggestions..
> If you are conservative go for x if adventurous y..
> If you have good risk appetite go for x else y..
> If you want features go for x else y..
> Unfortunately, all above responses dont help many users..but only reinforce 
> the low confidence in latest releases.Who wants to be adventurous in 
> Production? Who wants to test his risk appetite in Production? And who would 
> want features for stability in Production? Not many..I am sure.
> So my question is:
> Would it be a wise decision to mention the "most stable/production ready" 
> version (as it used to be before 3.x) on the Apache website till tick-tock 
> release strategy evolves and matures?
>  That will somewhat contradict the tick-tock philosphy of stable odd releases 
>but would be more realistic as every big change needs time to stabilise. Its 
>slightly unfair, if users are kept in confused state till the strategy matures 
>and starts delivering solid stable builds.
> I think the question is more appropriate in dev list so I have kept it here.
> ThanksAnuj
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
>  On Mon, 11 Apr, 2016 at 11:39 PM, Aleksey Yeschenko<alek...@apache.org> 
>wrote:  The answer will depend on how conservative you are.
> The most conservative choice overall would be to go with the 2.2.x line.
> 3.0.x if you want to the new nice and shiny 3.0 things, but can tolerate some 
> risk (the branch has a lot of relatively new core code, and hasn’t yet been 
> tried out by as many users as the 2.x branch had).
> The latest odd 3.x if you want the shiniest (3.5 to be released soon, with 
> features like the new SASI secondary indexes support). Also, there hasn’t yet 
> been that much divergence between 3.0.x and 3.x, so risk levels are around 
> the same, so long as you limit yourself to only the features present in 3.0.x.
> Either way, make sure to properly test whatever release you go for in staging 
> first, as Michael says, and you’ll be alright.
> -- 
> AY
> On 11 April 2016 at 18:42:31, Anuj Wadehra (anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in.invalid) 
> wrote:
> Can someone help me with this one?  
> ThanksAnuj  
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  
> On Sun, 10 Apr, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Anuj Wadehra<anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote: 
> Hi,  
> Tick-Tock release strategy in 3.x was a good intiative to ensure frequent & 
> stable releases. While odd releases are supposed to get all the bug fixes and 
> should be most stable, many people like me, who got used to the comforting 
> "production ready/stable" tag on Apache website,  are still reluctant to take 
> latest 3.x odd releases into production. I think the hesitation is somewhat 
> justified as processes often take time to mature.  
> So here I would like to ask the experts, people who know the ground 
> situation, people who actively develop it and manage it. Considering the 
> current scenario, What should be a resonable criteria for taking 3.x releases 
> in production?  
> ThanksAnuj  


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