As an Apache guy, one to another, seriously, how would you respond to that?

> On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:33 PM, Jason Brown <> wrote:
> The client-server protocol is well defined in the Cassandra repo, so any one 
> may implement a client library for any language. However, it is a far from 
> trivial task, so not many folks build their own. Thus, already-built drivers 
> tend to become the de facto standard, but we (the Apache Cassandra 
> committers/PMC) do not/have not blessed any vendor's driver(s) as official.
> As to why there is not a canonical set of drivers in the Cassandra repo, 
> well, we've just never gotten into that game as an OSS community.
> -Jason (not affiliated with DataStax)
> On Friday, June 3, 2016, Johan Edstrom < 
> <>> wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:14 PM, Jeff Jirsa < 
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> <> 
> So - that isn’t doing CQL, Right?
>> <>
> Upgrading to CQL?
>> <>
> Which driver do you use?
>> <>
> <cassandra-driver-core.version>2.1.5</cassandra-driver-core.version>
>> <>
>  <profile>
>       <id>ds-driver</id>
>       <activation>
>         <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
>       </activation>
>       <modules>
>         <module>cassandra-core</module>
>         <module>cassandra-ds-driver</module>
>       </modules>
>     </profile>
>     <profile>
>       <id>thrift</id>
>       <activation>
>         <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
>       </activation>
>       <modules>
>         <module>cassandra-core</module>
>         <module>cassandra-thrift</module>
>       </modules>
>     </profile>
>> <>
>> - Jeff ( Not affiliated with datastax )
>> On 6/3/16, 7:58 PM, "Johan Edstrom" < 
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> How many Java drivers could you point out?
>>> Doesn’t it strike you slightly off that you’d not have a driver for a DB 
>>> in the same project you found the DB?
>>>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 8:51 PM, Dave Brosius < 
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>>> There are many drivers for cassandra, supplied by various individuals and 
>>>> groups, one of those drivers was started by people at datastax which is 
>>>> available as an opensource project.
>>>> The open source project is not open to any random person on the internet 
>>>> to commit to (just like any open source project), so i suppose in that 
>>>> regard there is some 'control'. But i doubt that is what you are fishing 
>>>> for.
>>>> --dave
>>>> (not affiliated with datastax)
>>>> On 06/03/2016 10:29 PM, Chris Mattmann wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I’m investigating something a few ASF members contacted
>>>>> me about and pointed out, so I’m hoping you can help
>>>>> guide me here as a community. I have heard that a company,
>>>>> DataStax, whose marketing material mentions it as the only
>>>>> Cassandra vendor, “controls” the Java Driver for Apache
>>>>> Cassandra.
>>>>> Of course, no company “controls” our projects or its code,
>>>>> so I told the folks that mentioned it to me that I’d investigate
>>>>> with my board hat on.
>>>>> I’d like to hear the community’s thoughts here on this. Does
>>>>> anyone in the community see this “controlling” behavior going
>>>>> on? Please speak up, as I’d like to get to the bottom of it,
>>>>> and I’ll be around on the lists, doing some homework and reading
>>>>> up on the archives to see what’s up.
>>>>> Thanks for any help you can provide in rooting this out.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Chris

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