To François's point about code coverage for new code, I think this makes a
lot of sense wrt large features (like the current work on 8457/12229/9754).
It's much simpler to (mentally, at least) isolate those changed sections
and it'll show up better in a code coverage report. With small patches,
that might be harder to achieve - however, as the patch should come with
*some* tests (unless it's a truly trivial patch), it might just work itself

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Jason Brown <> wrote:

> As someone who spent a lot of time looking at the singletons topic in the
> past, Blake brings a great perspective here. Figuring out and communicating
> how best to test with the system we have (and of course incrementally
> making that system easier to work with/test) seems like an achievable goal.
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Edward Capriolo <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Blake Eggleston <>
>> wrote:
>> > I think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves talking about DI
>> > frameworks. Before that even becomes something worth talking about, we’d
>> > need to have made serious progress on un-spaghettifying Cassandra in the
>> > first place. It’s an extremely tall order. Adding a DI framework right
>> now
>> > would be like throwing gasoline on a raging tire fire.
>> >
>> > Removing singletons seems to come up every 6-12 months, and usually
>> > abandoned once people figure out how difficult they are to remove
>> properly.
>> > I do think removing them *should* be a long term goal, but we really
>> need
>> > something more immediately actionable. Otherwise, nothing’s going to
>> > happen, and we’ll be having this discussion again in a year or so when
>> > everyone’s angry that Cassandra 5.0 still isn’t ready for production, a
>> > year after it’s release.
>> >
>> > That said, the reason singletons regularly get brought up is because
>> doing
>> > extensive testing of anything in Cassandra is pretty much impossible,
>> since
>> > the code is basically this big web of interconnected global state.
>> Testing
>> > anything in isolation can’t be done, which, for a distributed database,
>> is
>> > crazy. It’s a chronic problem that handicaps our ability to release a
>> > stable database.
>> >
>> > At this point, I think a more pragmatic approach would be to draft and
>> > enforce some coding standards that can be applied in day to day
>> development
>> > that drive incremental improvement of the testing and testability of the
>> > project. What should be tested, how it should be tested. How to write
>> new
>> > code that talks to the rest of Cassandra and is testable. How to fix
>> bugs
>> > in old code in a way that’s testable. We should also have some
>> guidelines
>> > around refactoring the wildly untested sections, how to get started,
>> what
>> > to do, what not to do, etc.
>> >
>> > Thoughts?
>> To make the conversation practical. There is one class I personally really
>> want to refactor so it can be tested:
>> apache/cassandra/net/
>> There is little coverage here. Questions like:
>> what errors cause the connection to restart?
>> when are undropable messages are dropped?
>> what happens when the queue fills up?
>> Infamous throw new AssertionError(ex); (which probably bubble up to
>> nowhere)
>> what does the COALESCED strategy do in case XYZ.
>> A nifty label (wow a label you just never see those much!)
>> outer:
>> while (!isStopped)
>> Comments to jira's that probably are not explicitly tested:
>> // If we haven't retried this message yet, put it back on the queue to
>> retry after re-connecting.
>> // See CASSANDRA-5393 and CASSANDRA-12192.
>> If I were to undertake this cleanup, would there actually be support? IE
>> if
>> this going to turn into an "it aint broken. don't fix it thing" or a "we
>> don't want to change stuff just to add tests" . Like will someone pledge
>> to
>> agree its kinda wonky and merge the effort in < 1 years time?

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