> The vote will be open for 72 hours (longer if needed). Everyone who has
> tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC members are considered
> binding. A vote passes if there are at least three binding +1s.


A few things here don't meet the requirements.

 * There's no copyright or NOTICE file in source jar artifact.
 * The license is not present in all files (eg AssertUtils.java)
 * What key has been used to sign?
 * Source artifacts does not compile. They depend on snapshot dependency,
see below.
 * There's a ".git" directory in the source jar artifact.

 * `mvn rat:check` does not pass. (relates back to license and .git
 * There's unnecessary duplicate source artifacts.
 * The source zip file does not have sha256 or sha512 checksums.
 * The contents of the source zip artifact do not match what's in scm.
 * The scm SHA is not mentioned in the vote.
 * Where's the scm tag for this scm SHA?
 * Erroneous `.asc.asc` files.

The build failure I get is:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project dtest-api: Could not resolve
dependencies for project org.apache.cassandra:dtest-api:jar:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT:
Could not find artifact
org.apache.cassandra:in-jvm-dtest-cassandra-tryout:jar:0.0.1-2.2-1 in
central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]

The source zip artifact can just be removed (not generated) as there's no
need (afaik) for any artifacts outside of the maven repository. But add
those manually added files into git. This will solve the sha256 and sha512
problem, and that the build that doesn't match scm contents.

I've got a few hours in front of me and will try to send some PRs to fix
what I can here.


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