> A link to the current draft of the governance doc is here:
> The doc is only 2 pages long; if you're interested in engaging in a
> discussion about how we evolve and collaborate as a project, please take
> some time to read through the doc, think through things, and engage on
> thread here.

Thanks Benedict and Josh. This is an awesome initiative to put out in the
open and include everyone in.

My question is around the CEP lifecycle, how one is established and how it
exits (or moves into a real implementation stage). I guess that is an
evolving discussion, and also depends on the nature of the individual CEP.
But it raises the questions of when do we apply the vote. For example I can
imagine two votes on a CEP: once to accept an CEP to start in earnest, and
a second time on the finalised CEP that the working group has
finalised. As CEPs
can evolve to quite a different place from their original idea. Maybe we
don't need that entry vote, as the document implies, but I'm not entirely
sure about that: i think some initial exposure and discussion can be
valuable to prevent wasted adventures.


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