> We are looking forward to the community's feedback and suggestions.

What comes immediately to mind is testing requirements. It has been
mentioned already that the project's testability and QA guidelines are
inadequate to successfully introduce new features and refactorings to the
codebase. During the 4.0 beta phase this was intended to be addressed, i.e.
defining more specific QA guidelines for 4.0-rc. This would be an important
step towards QA guidelines for all changes and CEPs post-4.0.

Questions from me
 - How will this be tested, how will its QA status and lifecycle be
defined? (per above)
 - With existing C* code needing to be changed, what is the proposed plan
for making those changes ensuring maintained QA, e.g. is there separate QA
cycles planned for altering the SPI before adding a new SPI implementation?
 - Despite being out of scope, it would be nice to have some idea from the
CEP author of when users might still choose afresh 2i or SASI over SAI,
 - Who fills the roles involved? Who are the contributors in this DataStax
team? Who is the shepherd? Are there other stakeholders willing to be
 - Is there a preference to use gdoc instead of the project's wiki, and
why? (the CEP process suggest a wiki page, and feedback on why another
approach is considered better helps evolve the CEP process itself)


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