> > Dropping support for upgrading from 3.0 to 3.11
> Nobody is proposing dropping support, but my personal preference would be
> to officially endorse encouraging users to go directly 3.0->4.0, which
> would reduce the support burden for 3.0->3.11 and 3.11->4.0, as many users
> will skip 3.11 entirely if we encourage them to do so.  If you would prefer
> to officially encourage 3.0->3.11->4.0, and I would prefer to officially
> encourage 3.0->4.0, it seems reasonable to split the support burden for the
> paths we want to officially endorse, and endorse both?

How does one go about doing that when we must still support
 - upgrading from 2.2/3.0 to 3.11, and
 - upgrading from 3.11 to 4.0

And what do we mean by "officially supported upgrade paths"? Is it that we
will accept fixes for it, or that we are committed to fixing it for you.

If some folk are committing to helping users fix bugs with 3.0->4.0
upgrades, and others are committing to help users fix bugs with 3.11->4.0,
then it sounds like we need to support both and that is a good thing.

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