RE: Pluggability improvements, this is a great idea. This will be good for 
persistent memory support - Enable Cassandra for 
Persistent Memory, can be easily refactored to be a pluggable memtable.

> On Apr 8, 2021, at 8:22 AM, Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:
> On our side, the list of improvements we plan to deliver for the next 
> release are:
> Query side improvements:
>  * Storage Attached Index or SAI. The CEP can be found at 
> +Attached+Index
>  * Add support for OR predicates in the CQL where clause
>  * Allow to aggregate by time intervals (CASSANDRA-11871) and allow 
> UDFs in GROUP BY clause
>  * Materialized views hardening: Addressing the different Materialized 
> Views issues (see CASSANDRA-15921 and [1] for some of the work 
> involved)
> Security improvements:
>  * Add support for Dynamic Data Masking (CEP pending)
>  * Allow the creation of roles that have the ability to assign 
> arbitrary privileges, or scoped privileges without also granting those 
> roles access to database objects.
>  * Filter rows from system and system_schema based on users 
> permissions
> Performance improvements:
>  * Trie-based index format (CEP pending)
>  * Trie-based memtables (CEP pending)
> Safety/Usability improvements:
>  * Guardrails. The CEP can be found at 
> P-3%3A+Guardrails
> Pluggability improvements:
>  * Pluggable schema manager (CEP pending)
>  * Pluggable filesystem (CEP pending)
>  * Memtable API (CEP pending). The goal being to allow improvements 
> such as CASSANDRA-13981 to be easily plugged into Cassandra
> Feedbacks are welcome :-).
> [1]
> Le jeu. 8 avr. 2021 à 17:21, Benjamin Lerer <> a écrit :
>> Hi Everybody,
>> Please speak up and tell us what you plan to contribute in the next year.
>> The goal of this discussion is to allow people to present the 
>> contributions that they have planned for the next Cassandra release.
>> That discussion has several benefits:
>>   - It will give a greater visibility on who is planning to contribute
>>   and what their contributions would be. Allowing other contributors to join
>>   the efforts or ask for questions if they wish to.
>>   -  It will also us to synchronize our efforts when some features
>>   impact the same part of the code
>>   - For users, it will provide an idea of what to expect from the next
>>   release
>> Thanks in advance for all your inputs.

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