Hi Maxim,

I would like to describe the ideal state / end goal, from my perspective.

All properties meant to be used only for tests would have a prefix like 
"cassandra.test.name.of.property" and production properties would be 
"cassandra.xyx". Once this is done, we can filter them out in vtable so there 
would not be any test-related properties in production. Test properties should 
be visible only when developing / testing Cassandra, in my opinion.

All other system properties should also have some consistent naming in place.

I understand that there is a lot of legacy in place and we can not rename 
properties just like that for people.

The approach I like is what was done to properties in cassandra.yaml. There is 
@Replaces annotation put on properties in Config which enables users to still 
use the old names.

I can imagine that something like this would used here. If an old name is 
specified, it would internally translate to a new name and only new names would 
be returned by vtable. There might be also a column for old names so people 
would know what new property the old one translates to and we should also emit 
warning for users that the system properties they are using are in the old 
format and they should move to the new ones.

Anyway, I am glad this is happening and we are making progress. It will be also 
way easier to dump all properties to the website when everything is centralized 
at once place.


From: Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 19:48
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: [DISCUSS] Moving system property names to the 

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Hello everyone,

We are trying to clean up the source code around the direct use of
system properties and make this use more manageable and transparent.
To achieve this, I have prepared a patch that moves all system
property names to the CassandraRelevantProperties, which in turn makes
some of the properties visible to a user through the
SystemPropertiesTable virtual table.

The patch has passed a few rounds of review, but we still need another
pair of eyes to make sure we are not missing anything valuable.
Please, take a look at the patch.

You can find all the changes here:

I'd also like to share the names of the properties that will appear in
the SystemPropertiesTable, the appearance of which is related to the
public API changes we agreed to discuss on the dev list.

The public API changes

Newly production system properties added:


Newly added and used for tests only:


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