Hello everyone,

This a friendly reminder that some help is still needed with the review :-)
I have resolved all the conflicts that have arisen in the last month or two.

If you'd like to invest some time in code clarity, please take a look:

On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 at 19:48, Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We are trying to clean up the source code around the direct use of
> system properties and make this use more manageable and transparent.
> To achieve this, I have prepared a patch that moves all system
> property names to the CassandraRelevantProperties, which in turn makes
> some of the properties visible to a user through the
> SystemPropertiesTable virtual table.
> The patch has passed a few rounds of review, but we still need another
> pair of eyes to make sure we are not missing anything valuable.
> Please, take a look at the patch.
> You can find all the changes here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-17797
> I'd also like to share the names of the properties that will appear in
> the SystemPropertiesTable, the appearance of which is related to the
> public API changes we agreed to discuss on the dev list.
> The public API changes
> Newly production system properties added:
> io.netty.eventLoopThreads
> io.netty.transport.estimateSizeOnSubmit
> java.security.auth.login.config
> javax.rmi.ssl.client.enabledCipherSuites
> javax.rmi.ssl.client.enabledProtocols
> ssl.enable
> log4j2.disable.jmx
> log4j2.shutdownHookEnabled
> logback.configurationFile
> Newly added and used for tests only:
> invalid-legacy-sstable-root
> legacy-sstable-root
> org.apache.cassandra.tools.UtilALLOW_TOOL_REINIT_FOR_TEST
> org.caffinitas.ohc.segmentCount
> suitename
> sun.stderr.encoding
> sun.stdout.encoding
> test.bbfailhelper.enabled
> write_survey

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