I agree, having a DISCUSS thread with a specific subject line is less
likely to be overlooked.

One thing I'd like to note here is PicoCLI and Airline 2 are independent
projects that are ALv2 licensed. A subset of the Cassandra contributors may
have difficulty contributing to such projects due to preexisting policies
that their employers may have in place.

I am concerned about hostile licensing changes in the future which will
necessitate another migration for us. That said, is there a specific reason
to not consider Apache Commons CLI[1]?


[1] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 10:22 AM David Capwell <dcapw...@apple.com> wrote:

> I don't think that a separate thread would add extra visibility
> Disagree.  This thread is about adding a feature branch, so many could
> ignore if they don’t care.  The fact you are switching the library (and
> which one) is something we have to hunt for.  By having a new DISCUSS
> thread it makes it clear which library you wish to add, and people can sign
> off if they care or not.
> I wouldn’t create this thread until you settle on which one you wish to
> move forward with.
> Is adding the PicoCLI library as a project dependency getting any objections
> from the Community?
> Thats the point of the new DISCUSS thread.  By being very clear you wish
> to add PicoCLI people can either validate we are allowed to, or raise any
> objections.  I have not really seen any pushback so far outside of 1 case
> that wasn’t legally allowed to be used.
> Take a look at previous threads about adding different libraries.
> On Jul 8, 2024, at 7:58 AM, Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> +1 on picocli
> RE the feature branch, I would just maintain the feature branch in your
> own fork to break out whatever "reviewable units" of code you want. When
> all the incremental review is done (I have no problem going back and
> forth), squash everything together, do whatever additional testing you
> need, and commit.
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 10:40 AM Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > Once you are happy with your chosen library, we need a DISCUSS thread
>> to add this new library (current protocol).
>> Thanks, David. This is a good point, do we need a separate DISCUSS
>> thread or can we just use this one? I'm in favour of keeping the
>> discussion in one place, especially when topics are closely related. I
>> don't think that a separate thread would add extra visibility, but if
>> that is the way the community has adopted - no problem at all, I'll
>> repost.
>> The reasons for replacing the Airlift/Airline [1] with the PicoCli [2]
>> are as follows (in order of priority):
>> 1. The library is under the Apache-2.0 License
>> https://github.com/remkop/picocli?tab=Apache-2.0-1-ov-file#readme
>> 2. The project is active and well-maintained (last release on 8 May 2024)
>> https://github.com/remkop/picocli/releases
>> 3. The library has ZERO dependencies, in some of the cases a single
>> file can just be dropped into the sources (it's even pointed out in
>> the documentation)
>> https://picocli.info/#_add_as_source
>> 4. Compared to the Airlift library, the PicoCLI uses the same markup
>> design concepts, so we don't have to rewrite our command or make
>> complex changes, which in turn minimizes the migration.
>> Is adding the PicoCLI library as a project dependency getting any
>> objections from the Community? Please, share your thoughts.
>> There are a few other alternatives (commons-cli, airline2, jcommander)
>> but they are not as well known and/or not as elegantly suited to our
>> needs based on what we have now.
>> [1] https://github.com/airlift/airline
>> [2] https://github.com/remkop/picocli
>> On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 22:27, David Capwell <dcapw...@apple.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't personally think there is a strong need for a feature branch.
>> If it makes it easy for you, please go ahead with a feature branch.
>> >
>> >
>> > Agree, I don’t see the reason for a feature branch… feature branch just
>> means the branch lives in apache domain rather than your own fork.  You
>> won’t be able to merge until you are done and you will need to keep
>> rebasing over and over again. Even if multiple people are working on this
>> you can work in your fork just fine (assuming you grant permissions).
>> >
>> > Another issue is that feature branches require the same level of commit
>> process as every other main branch, where as personal branches don’t.  This
>> actually will slow you down as each commit now must be a JIRA, you go
>> through review of each, must show a success CI, etc.
>> >
>> > Now, if you wish to split this into multiple steps that is fine, but
>> the list of places is basically node tool (kinda has to go in at once) and
>> small CLIs.  If you wish to migrate the small ones in isolation first, I am
>> cool with that merging to w/e branch the logic is targeting, but you won’t
>> be able to break up node tool without breaking everything… but if you did
>> this in your own fork then no one cares.
>> >
>> > I won’t block a feature branch, but just don’t see a clear “why” and
>> only see cons.
>> >
>> > We are changing the command markup library, so there are two extra
>> > things to be checked:
>> > - We parse CLI arguments in the same way (as the parser is different
>> > in a new library);
>> > - The command help output is the same so that the user won't see any
>> difference;
>> >
>> >
>> > Personally I would POC a limited node tool change with JVM dtest as we
>> require passing the output to the test (the prototypes you listed doesn’t
>> include JVM Dtest integration).  If one library makes this more annoying,
>> then do we care about fancy new features we don’t use when it makes the
>> features we do use harder?  If you start with the smaller tools first then
>> spend a ton of time migrating node tool then find JVM dtest is broken, then
>> you will spend so much more time fixing this, I would strongly recommend
>> doing some throw away POC to make sure w/e way you go won’t break JVM
>> Dtest’s node tool support.
>> >
>> > Once you are fine with your selected library, we will need a DISCUSS
>> thread to add that new library (current protocol).  This mostly just makes
>> the pick more visible, and normally we only check simple things like “are
>> we legally allowed to use” and “is this project dead?”.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Jul 3, 2024, at 6:06 AM, Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > Thank you all for your comments,
>> >
>> > I want to stress, that these changes won't affect the input/output
>> > formatting of commands, ensuring everything is the same.
>> >
>> > We are changing the command markup library, so there are two extra
>> > things to be checked:
>> > - We parse CLI arguments in the same way (as the parser is different
>> > in a new library);
>> > - The command help output is the same so that the user won't see any
>> difference;
>> >
>> > Additional tests cover both cases.
>> >
>> > On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 at 20:08, Dinesh Joshi <djo...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > I don't personally think there is a strong need for a feature branch.
>> If it makes it easy for you, please go ahead with a feature branch.
>> >
>> > One thing I had raised in the past was the desire to have a flag that
>> would generate machine readable output for nodetool commands. If this can
>> be done with a minor incremental effort, it would definitely reduce the
>> burden on operators / integrations that rely on the nodetool output. As I
>> have earlier indicated in the past, relying on human readable output for
>> CLI tools like nodetool is fragile and providing a JSON output as an
>> alternative is a great first step in eliminating that dependency. I'm just
>> curious about the level of effort. If it is too much or too invasive, we
>> can consider producing JSON output for inclusion in the next major release.
>> >
>> > On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 6:47 AM Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Hello everyone,
>> >
>> >
>> > The nodetool relies on the airlift/airline library to mark up the CLI
>> > commands used to manage Cassandra, which are part of our public API.
>> > This library is no longer maintained, so we need to update it anyway,
>> > and the good news is that we already have several good alternatives:
>> > airline-2 [3] or picocli [2].
>> >
>> > In this message, I'm mainly talking about CASSANDRA-17445 [4], which
>> > refers to the problem and is a prerequisite for a larger CEP-38 CQL
>> > Management API [5]. It doesn't make sense to use annotations from the
>> > deprecated library to build a new API, so this is another reason to
>> > update the library as soon as possible and do some inherently small
>> > code refactoring required for the CEP-38.
>> >
>> > In addition to being widely used and well supported, the Picocli
>> > library offers the following advantages for us:
>> > - We can detach the jmx-specific parameters from the commands so that
>> > they can be reused in other APIs (e.g. without host, port) while
>> > remaining backwards compatible;
>> > - We can set up nodetool's autocompletion after the migration with
>> > minimal effort;
>> > - There is a good Picocli ecosystem of tools that we can use to
>> > simplify our codebase, e.g. generate man pages tool to make our CLIs
>> > more Unix friendly [7];
>> >
>> >
>> > = Prototype =
>> >
>> > I have a working prototype [8] that shows what the result will look
>> > like. The prototype includes:
>> > - Tests between the execution of commands via the nodetool and
>> nodtoolv2;
>> > - 5 out of 164 nodetool commands have been moved so far, to show the
>> > refactoring we need to do to the command's body;
>> > - The command help output under for the nodetoolv2 is the same as it
>> > is currently for the nodetool and this is the default, however a
>> > "cassandra.cli.picocli.layout" is added to switch to the Picocli
>> > defaults;
>> > - You can also see that the colour scheme is applied by the Picocli
>> > out of the box, and this is how it looks [9];
>> > - The nodetoolv2 is called first when the shell is triggered, and if
>> > the nodetoolv2 doesn't contain the command it needs yet, it falls back
>> > to the nodetool and the old argument parser;
>> >
>> >
>> > Since the number of commands is quite large (164), I'd like to create
>> > a feature branch and move all the commands one at a time, while
>> > keeping the output backwards by applying additional tests at the same
>> > time and checking that the CI is always green. I think the "feature
>> > branch" approach will be less stressful for us since it focuses on
>> > requiring a review of only tedious changes to the feature branch,
>> > rather than reviewing the 15k line patch.
>> >
>> >
>> > Anyway, I am open to any suggestions and advice based on your
>> > experience and best practices for this case. Looking forward to your
>> > thoughts and suggestions.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > [1] https://github.com/airlift/airline
>> > [2] https://picocli.info/
>> > [3] https://github.com/rvesse/airline
>> > [4] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-17445
>> > [5]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/CEP-38%3A+CQL+Management+API
>> > [6]
>> https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/2497/files#diff-acdd5f29d28df5c02f4bfc933528f084508b4923112e312e68a4aff7df973bce
>> > [7] https://picocli.info/man/gen-manpage.html
>> > [8] https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/2497/files
>> > [9]
>> https://github.com/apache/cassandra/assets/3415046/57b14ae0-ff59-43d2-b542-10d3218ae075
>> >
>> >

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