Hi, Chris. Thanks for providing feedback.
On 2024/1/15 01:10, Christofer Dutz wrote:
Hi all, while going through the projects activity over the last quarter in preparation of this month's board meeting. I came to notice that it was quite tricky to follow the votes on your last release. Not only was there a lot of discussion in the vote thread, also was the same thread used for multiple RCs same with the result thread.
IIRC, we have cast two rounds of voting: one on 2023/9/20 and the other on 2023/9/28.
Though they display correctly as two separate threads, they appear as a single thread on Pony.
I guess this caused most of the difficulty following our discussion, right?
I think it would make things a bit cleaner and clearer for outsiders to follow if every RC had it's own vote and result thread (just add something like "RC1" and "RC2" to the subject and to move Discussions to a paralell "[DISCUSS] Release Apache Celix 1.2.3 RC1" ... this way it's super easy to follow and to tally the results.
Yes, adding "RC1" and "RC2" to the title should prevent Pony from mixing two separate threads into one, which should solve the main issue here. If we will have an extensive pre-release discussion, a separate discussion thread will definitely help. On the other hand, IMO some brief inline discussions should not harm the overall readability.
Please treat this as feedback from a fellow Apache person and not as official Board feedback. Chris PS: Please keep me in the loop and make sure I'm on CC, as I'm not subscribed to this list.
-- Peng Zheng