
One other item I neglected to mention was that clock sync, at least for Xen 
system VMs, wasn't an issue in the Jan-Feb timeframe.  Previously when I 
encountered these issues, syncing the host's clock and rebuilding the system 
VMs addressed the issue.  I assumed, but never verified, that the SSVM was 
syncing back against the host's clock through hypervisor.  During my testing 
yesterday, aside from hard setting the clock, I was unable to force clock sync 
on the SSVM.


On May 15, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Chip Childers <> wrote:

> Starting a thread on this specific issue.
> CLOUDSTACK-2492 was opened, which is basically the fact that the System
> VMs aren't syncing time to the host or to an NTP server.  The S3
> integration is broken because of this problem, and therefore could not
> be considered a function available in 4.1 if we release as is.
> We need input from people that know about the current system VMs (the
> 3.x VMs), as well as the possibility of using the newer ones that we
> have been considering experimental for 4.1.0.
> What should we do?
> -chip

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