
Linux seems like reasonable assumption to me for the 4.1 and 4.2 releases 
because there doesn't appear a way to easily override the images.  I think we 
need to reconsider how we provision system VMs post-4.2 to address a number of 
issues.  If/when we address those issues, it become an issue.


On May 15, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:

> Note that this means system vms are required to be linux, as
> 'kvmclock' doesn't work on other OSes. I haven't seen anyone proposing
> Windows or BSD system vms, so this seemed safe, but perhaps something
> to keep in mind.
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Marcus Sorensen <> wrote:
>> KVM LibvirtComputingResource has been patched in master. Tested on
>> master, 4.1, and both the acton and current system vm templates. This
>> patch makes system vms use 'kvmclock' for their timer, which is a vm
>> driver that gets it's time from the hypervisor. No change to the
>> system vm template itself.
>> bfc5887a1bf6b41e88dd7a8f9987fcee8d3d9175
>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:08 AM, Chip Childers
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:03:16AM -0400, John Burwell wrote:
>>>> Chip,
>>>> One other item I neglected to mention was that clock sync, at least for 
>>>> Xen system VMs, wasn't an issue in the Jan-Feb timeframe.  Previously when 
>>>> I encountered these issues, syncing the host's clock and rebuilding the 
>>>> system VMs addressed the issue.  I assumed, but never verified, that the 
>>>> SSVM was syncing back against the host's clock through hypervisor.  During 
>>>> my testing yesterday, aside from hard setting the clock, I was unable to 
>>>> force clock sync on the SSVM.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -John
>>> I think that's our issue right now...  answering the question: Why is
>>> this only an issue now?  Did we just get lucky up to this point?  Since
>>> the SSVMs are the same template as the timeframe you mention, I tend to
>>> believe that you / we were just lucky.
>>> Anyone else have thoughts?
>>>> On May 15, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Chip Childers <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Starting a thread on this specific issue.
>>>>> CLOUDSTACK-2492 was opened, which is basically the fact that the System
>>>>> VMs aren't syncing time to the host or to an NTP server.  The S3
>>>>> integration is broken because of this problem, and therefore could not
>>>>> be considered a function available in 4.1 if we release as is.
>>>>> We need input from people that know about the current system VMs (the
>>>>> 3.x VMs), as well as the possibility of using the newer ones that we
>>>>> have been considering experimental for 4.1.0.
>>>>> What should we do?
>>>>> -chip

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