-0 [binding]

I am torn between sticking to the schedule and delay to make sure we can merge 
things cleanly. 
Would rather not merge and release on-time, but it would be a pitty.

On Jun 3, 2013, at 5:09 PM, Kevin Kluge <kevin.kl...@citrix.com> wrote:

> +1 [ binding ]
> I've been concerned that releases every four months were too aggressive for 
> people to absorb given the complexity of some deployments and upgrades.  With 
> the current 4.1 delay and 4.2 plan we would expect two major releases within 
> two months of each other.  I'd prefer a bigger date shift for 4.2, but I see 
> little appetite for that in these discussions.  So I will +1 this proposal as 
> a reasonable compromise.
> FWIW I doubt we'll get many more features in 4.2 with this.  As Animesh noted 
> the feature proposal date has passed so we have an upper bound on the 
> additional changes for this four weeks.  I believe this proposal will improve 
> the quality of 4.2 on its planned release date as a result.
> -kevin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
>> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 8:00 AM
>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>> Subject: [VOTE] Pushback 4.2.0 Feature Freeze
>> Following our discussion on the proposal to push back the feature freeze date
>> for 4.2.0 [1], we have not yet achieved a clear consensus.  Well...
>> we have already defined the "project rules" for figuring out what to do.
>> In out project by-laws [2], we have defined a "release plan" decision as
>> follows:
>>> 3.4.2. Release Plan
>>> Defines the timetable and work items for a release. The plan also
>>> nominates a Release Manager.
>>> A lazy majority of active committers is required for approval.
>>> Any active committer or PMC member may call a vote. The vote must
>>> occur on a project development mailing list.
>> And our lazy majority is defined as:
>>> 3.2.2. Lazy Majority - A lazy majority vote requires 3 binding +1
>>> votes and more binding +1 votes than binding -1 votes.
>> Our current plan is the starting point, so this VOTE is a vote to change the
>> current plan.  We require a 72 hour window for this vote, so IMO we are in an
>> odd position where the feature freeze date is at least extended until 
>> Tuesday of
>> next week.
>> Our current plan of record for 4.2.0 is at [3].
>> [1] http://markmail.org/message/vi3nsd2yo763kzua
>> [2] http://s.apache.org/csbylaws
>> [3]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Cloudstack+4.2+Rel
>> ease
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> I'd like to call a VOTE on the following:
>> Proposal: Extend the feature freeze date for our 4.2.0 feature release from
>> today (2013-05-31) to 2013-06-28.  All other dates following the feature 
>> freeze
>> date in the plan would be pushed out 4 weeks as well.
>> Please respond with one of the following:
>> +1 : change the plan as listed above
>> +/-0 : no strong opinion, but leaning + or -
>> -1 : do not change the plan
>> This vote will remain open until Tuesday morning US eastern time.
>> -chip

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