(2013/06/06 14:24), Prasanna Santhanam wrote:
On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 08:01:10AM +0900, Hiroaki KAWAI wrote:
It took time to investigate what's happening on Ubuntu.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate!

On Ubuntu, we don't have apparent problem with current setup.
We don't have to touch catalina.out simply because it is
not used.
# Cloudstack java stdout is sent to /dev/null.

In tomcat6, java stdout,stderr is redirected to catalina.out
(in /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/catalina.sh)

Does /usr/share/cloudstack-management/ link to /usr/share/tomcat6?
This is the case with RPMs at least.

No direct symlink, some dirs under /usr/share/cloudstack-management
are linked to tomcat6's.
# By the way, as the source is open, you can see `ln -s` in
# debian/rules.

In which case the permission
should be for cloud:cloud and not tomcat:tomcat as the init script
might have done?

log directory is linked to /var/log/cloudstack/management so
`tomcat` user does not play here.

So, the init script touches catalina.out before invoking
catalina.sh. Additionally, there's logrotate configuration
in tomcat6 package, which will be installed at
/etc/logrotate.d/tomcat6 during postinstall.

IMHO, it is preferable to have our catalina.out, but
there's no need to fix it in haste.

Yes this time we better test it before release or it's going to be
embarassing to have a supported OS not work.

What I wanted to mean here, is "now catalina.out issues are
resolved. We're ready for 4.1.1"

# We should modify Ubuntu init script to have java's stdout,
# stderr redirected to catalina.out. But it is another issue.

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