On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Chip Childers
<chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 05:52:01PM +0000, Animesh Chaturvedi wrote:
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
>> > Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:43 AM
>> > To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>> > Subject: Re: Object_Store storage refactor Meeting Notes
>> >
>> > First, thanks for bringing this back to the list. I'm +1 on the
>> > technical approach.
>> >
>> > A couple of thoughts though, just so that we make sure that we keep
>> > operating in the right manner as an Apache project:
>> >
>> > Let's be careful about declaring something a "decision" or that
>> > something was "determined" when it happened off-list.  I think that, in
>> > the case below, you were really saying "we agreed to make this the
>> > proposal to the list", so no harm there.
>> >
>> > The last bit, about a meeting in person, is a little concerning to me
>> > though...  It really needs to be open to anyone that might want to
>> > participate if at all possible (and this means folks that aren't
>> > physically there).  Also, please be sure to bring back a summary of the
>> > discussions to the list, so that those not there have an opportunity to
>> > see what was discussed (and comment if they have comments).  Think of
>> > the outcome of the discussions as "proposals" that will be brought back
>> > to the list.
>> >
>> > Sorry for sounding preachy, but it's important to keep remembering that
>> > the list is where decisions are made...  and discussions shouldn't be
>> > closed to community members that may have geographic or temporal
>> > constraints.
>> >
>> > -chip
>> [Animesh>] Chip I think by now everyone knows that all decisions need to 
>> happen on the list. John B's proposal to have a face-face meeting I think is 
>> good to bring in a good proposal which can be discussed and decided on the 
>> mailing list.
> It needed to be said, only because of some of the wording.  I'm sure you
> guys are going to do the right thing.

There are more people reading this thread than those participating,
and some of those folks may not yet be indoctrinated in the Apache
Way, and could give the impression, despite the best of intentions,
that there is some cabal that is making decisions in secret.
Perception is reality far too often.


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