On Jul 12, 2013, at 1:00 PM, Nguyen Anh Tu <ng.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Sebgoa: I added my first update progress report on blogspot. Like Ian
> Duffy, It's also my primary channel to report. From now until the end, I
> will frequently update to the blog and then transfer to ACS document.
> Please take a look on it: http://ngtuna.blogspot.com/

Cool, you should tweet it so we can spread the news.

> 2013/7/8 Dharmesh Kakadia <dhkaka...@gmail.com>
>> @sebgoa Thanks for the clear spec.
>> 1. My intro post is already done.
>> 2. install and run post will follow.
>> 3. stackmate blog with whirr/provisionr comparison
>> I will check whirr driver possibility.
>> Thanks,
>> Dharmesh
>> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 7:14 AM, Dharmesh Kakadia <dhkaka...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> I will update the report. I am aware that a "Intro to Mesos" post is
>> also
>>>> pending from my side. Want to write on my experience while doing
>> changes
>>> on
>>>> large and active code base too, but that is gona take some time.
>>>> I am little off in my timeline. I plan to get mesos on cloudstack
>> working
>>>> by midterm and shift focus on cloudformation from there. I would also
>>> like
>>>> to know if there is any particular expectation.
>>> In your case, I would like to see an intro to Mesos (your first post,
>> plus
>>> basic quick install steps, plus examples of running jobs in hadoop and
>>> mpi), plus basic steps of starting VMs in cloudstack and setting up Mesos
>>> on those VMs. Plus a discussions on how stackmate will help with the
>>> deployment and how it differs from whirr/provisionr. While stackamte is
>> an
>>> interesting way to go, I also think that you could easily patch whirr to
>>> provide a "driver" for Mesos, it would be a nice contribution to whirr.
>>> -sebastien
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dharmesh
>>>> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I modified the format of our "report", I moved the proposals to a
>>> chapter
>>>>> and started a new chapter called "updates".
>>>>> Each of you should use a section to write a small report/updates on
>> your
>>>>> progress so far.
>>>>> You can see the doc at:
>> http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/job/docs-4.3-gsoc-guide/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Apache_CloudStack-4.2.0-CloudStack_GSoC_Guide-en-US.pdf
>>>>> Your respective sections should be self-explanatory when you checkout
>>> the
>>>>> code.
>>>>> We will use this for the mid-summer evaluation that Google
>> wants/needs.
>>>>> A good example of progress report is from Ian at:
>>>>> http://imduffy15.blogspot.co.uk
>>>>> You can include specific things about your project but also things
>>> related
>>>>> to CloudStack itself, what you are learning (jira, git etc..) and what
>>> you
>>>>> contributed so far outside your project (e.g Meng gave us the quick
>>> install
>>>>> guide for 4.1 and Dharmesh is looking at a significant update to the
>>> code
>>>>> with CLOUDSTACK-212)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -Sebastien
> -- 
> N.g.U.y.e.N.A.n.H.t.U

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