Sorry to create two emails in a row...

Just in terms of the Google wants/needs deadline on the 29th, is there
anything you guys, the cloudstack community specifically want to see?

I know Abhi mentioned the creation of a prototype for me in one of the
gtalk conversations we had awhile back. So I'm hoping to have the
plugin I detailed in the blog post completely cleaned up and ready for
review by you guys with full end to end testing by that date. This
would allow me to have the second half of the Google summer of code
term to work on creating a UI to allow admins to easily provision
users and extending the plugin where/if required. As mentioned to
Sebastien during the skype interviews I would *ideally* like to have
the project wrapped up by the end of August, based on the progress so
far this seems possible.

On 5 July 2013 15:25, Ian Duffy <> wrote:
> @Sebastien - Is it ok to just copy and paste over what I had in that
> blog post? (Excluding the opening image and closing paragraph)
> On 5 July 2013 14:25, Prasanna Santhanam <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 09:18:10AM -0400, Sebastien Goasguen wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I modified the format of our "report", I moved the proposals to a
>>> chapter and started a new chapter called "updates".
>>> Each of you should use a section to write a small report/updates on
>>> your progress so far.
>>> You can see the doc at:
>>> Your respective sections should be self-explanatory when you
>>> checkout the code.
>>> We will use this for the mid-summer evaluation that Google
>>> wants/needs.
>>> A good example of progress report is from Ian at:
>>> You can include specific things about your project but also things
>>> related to CloudStack itself, what you are learning (jira, git
>>> etc..) and what you contributed so far outside your project (e.g
>>> Meng gave us the quick install guide for 4.1 and Dharmesh is looking
>>> at a significant update to the code with CLOUDSTACK-212)
>> Excellent work so far. Great work all!
>> --
>> Prasanna.,
>> ------------------------
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