On Oct 14, 2014, at 10:44 AM, Erik Weber <terbol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not familiar with Apache policies in this regard, but is there any way
> we could establish a set of official / supported mirrors that all answer on
> the same DNS address?
> I.e. so that we only have to document one url

Typically the mirroring people use 302 redirects rather than DNS magic.

Basically, to do it right, I think we should choose one route of

1. use existing apache mirror infrastructure
* discuss with infrastructure@ the sanity of hosting systemvms on the existing 
mirrors, if ok, @see
* release systemvms as actual/official apache artifacts
* create a custom version of dyn.cgi/download.cgi if/as needed
* update scripts to point at that CGI, i.e.

2. use existing sourceforge mirror infrastructure 
* release systemvms as semi-official binaries built from apache source
* create a project on sourceforge
* use the sourceforge mirror infrastructure
* example of apache project doing this
* update scripts to point at that magic, i.e.
  curl -o systemvm-4.4.1.xen.bz2 -L 
* tell infrastructure@ we are doing this just so they’re aware of the need and 
how we addressed it

The problem with using the apache mirrors is that traditionally apache promises 
to keep the total repo somewhat size-limited. Lot of sites mirror apache (and 
fsf) because its 50GB or so, as opposed to the 100s of GBs you need to be a 
source forge or linux mirror.

The OpenOffice approach is interesting because before becoming an apache 
project they had huge mirror infrastructure (built with mirrorbrain), some of 
which actually migrated to apache hardware IIRC with quite a bit of invested 
effort, but now it seems they abandoned that, and are just using sourceforge. 
So I suggest learning their lessons and doing the same.

All the people around the world providing mirroring for open source projects 
will probably appreciate not having another thing to configure :)



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