Bruno Dumon dijo:
> On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 00:07, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> [...]
>> View - Woody recieves a bean from the controller. Make form validation
>> and return the bean to the controller.
> Just to make sure that you got it right: you can't just give a bean to
> Woody. Woody builds its own form-datastructure that will be used to
> collect user-entered data. The actual initial population of this
> datastructure with your bean's data, and afterwards putting the form's
> data back in bean, is up to you.

Yes, I know I was trying to be the more simplistic to allow see all the
mountain without going into the details.

There are many details to be solved. This is what I am trying to do. :)

> Fortunately, this is where's Marc's
> binding stuff comes to help, which allows to do this by specifying a
> mapping between the two (in an XML file).


Yes, I was thinking in this. There must be some kind of mapping or a
encapsulation of the bean, since there are some other data not related to
the real object. For example, error messages from the database or from the
bussiness logic to be showed, error messages from the form, query values
from the user to search find a list or a particular object, etc.

There must be a interface to allow pass all this stuff to the form....

All in all, I think together we can build a great database driven web
applications framework into Cocoon! This will be a killer app. I promise
you :)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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