Steve Krulewitz wrote:
> Hey folks --
> Total newbie here.  I've been spending the last week getting up
> to speed on
> Cocoon, especially the new flow stuff and how it impacts the action-based
> authentication framework.  If flow essentially deprecates actions in
> general, what is the proper way to access the authentication
> framework from
> flow?  The petstore sample seems to use its own user database, which would
> lead me to believe that the current authentication framework is
> not intended
> to be used with flow?

When the authentication framework was developed the flow concept wasn't
even mentioned. So that's the main reason why there is currently no support
from flow.

I think it makes sense to have support for the auth framework from flow and
adding support in flow is one minor point on my todo list for 2.2, so if
you want to step in, great!
However, there is one tricky point as the configuration for the auth
is currently in the sitemap as well; I guess you must either have the
to define the conf in flow itself or use a configuration xml for that.
If you need help, let me know.

> More specifically, I'm not really looking to restrict access to particular
> pages and pipelines, rather I want the user's authentication status and
> role(s) to affect the page generation.
Yes, I guess the auth framework could really help you here.


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