From: Steve Krulewitz

> [I posted this earlier on the user list, but it might be more 
> appropriate here given the new-ness of the flow stuff]
> Hey folks --
> Total newbie here.  I've been spending the last week getting 
> up to speed on Cocoon, especially the new flow stuff and how 
> it impacts the action-based authentication framework.  If 
> flow essentially deprecates actions in general, what is the 
> proper way to access the authentication framework from flow?  
> The petstore sample seems to use its own user database, which 
> would lead me to believe that the current authentication 
> framework is not intended to be used with flow?

AFAIK, there hasn't been done any work yet. Personally I haven't used
the authentication framework. What I know the authentication framework
can protect your pipelines. IMHO this doesn't make sense for flow
applications because you work with sendPage(AndWait) and this allows you
to send internal-only pipelines and your controller should know if a
user is allowed to receive a page or not.

But maybe I'm completly wrong here ...

> More specifically, I'm not really looking to restrict access 
> to particular pages and pipelines, rather I want the user's 
> authentication status and
> role(s) to affect the page generation.

Sorry, can't help you with that.


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