On Monday, Aug 11, 2003, at 19:26 Europe/Rome, Upayavira wrote:

On 11 Aug 2003 at 19:10, Reinhard Pötz wrote:

From: Steve Krulewitz

[I posted this earlier on the user list, but it might be more
appropriate here given the new-ness of the flow stuff]

Hey folks --

Total newbie here.  I've been spending the last week getting
up to speed on Cocoon, especially the new flow stuff and how
it impacts the action-based authentication framework.  If
flow essentially deprecates actions in general, what is the
proper way to access the authentication framework from flow?

Very good question. I've been thinking about the very same thing for the last month or so.

I have pretty wild ideas on how to do this. Stay tuned for my Sylvain's pool random thought mail appearing right after the 2.1 release.

The petstore sample seems to use its own user database, which
would lead me to believe that the current authentication
framework is not intended to be used with flow?

Correct. The auth-framework was not intented to be used with the flow.

AFAIK, there hasn't been done any work yet. Personally I haven't used
the authentication framework. What I know the authentication framework
can protect your pipelines. IMHO this doesn't make sense for flow
applications because you work with sendPage(AndWait) and this allows
you to send internal-only pipelines and your controller should know if
a user is allowed to receive a page or not.

But maybe I'm completly wrong here ...

Interesting points.

The auth framework action should be refactored into a general user-managing component and at that point, it could be used both by the action and by a flowscript.

More specifically, I'm not really looking to restrict access
to particular pages and pipelines, rather I want the user's
authentication status and
role(s) to affect the page generation.

Sorry, can't help you with that.

You could check out the Linotype block, which does some basic authentication using

Yes and it uses a "super simple" java components to do user management. I know Turbine has a component that does this already and they were talking about avalonizing it.

But stay tuned for more on this subject.


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