On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 15:20, Giacomo Pati wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Bruno Dumon wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 19:55, Giacomo Pati wrote:
> >
> > if you add the following code before the closing bracket of the
> > PooledExecutor.workerDone(...) method, then it --seems to-- work:
> >
> >     if (!shutdown_) {
> >       if (poolSize_ < maximumPoolSize_) {
> >         Runnable r= null;
> >         try {
> >           r = getTask();
> >         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
> >           e.printStackTrace();
> >         }
> >         if (r != null)
> >           addThread(r);
> >       }
> >     }
> >
> > Could someone else also try this out? For your convenience, here's a
> > compiled jar with this change:
> I've patched the 1.3.2 Doug Lea utils myself with your suggestion above
> and can affirm it works now.

ok, thanks (Jeff/Antonio too).

> Cocoon compiled and tested with sun jdk 1.4.2 as well as sun jdk 1.3.1
> on Linux. To stop the Jetty running under 1.3.1 I needed two [Ctrl][C]
> hits whereas the first hit reports "Shutdown hook executing" and after
> the second one Jetty finally shuts down. If've made the tests with
> Tomcat 4.1.27 as well where it behaves correctly as expected.
> Now, there is still the double Ctrl-C on jdk 1.3. Can you confirm this,
> Bruno (or someone else with a Win$ machine)?

On Linux/JDK1.3.1 I have this problem too. It has nothing to do with the
CommandManager though (I'm really sure since I disabled the code). Maybe
a Java or Jetty problem.

> Is someone on the Doug Lea list (if there is any) to report this?

I've just sent him a message, I'll keep the list up-to-date on any news
from him of course.

> I like the way how the Cornerstone Scheduler recently integrated by
> Carsten more than the CommandManager way because of its
> componentisation. Still, I like to see a Scheduler as a single component
> definition in the xconf file. Today we need at least three component
> definitions (Scheduler, ThreadManager, TimeScheduler) as well as one for
> each Target. I think this can be made much easier, like:
>   <scheduler logger="scheduler">
>     <triggers>
>       <trigger name="mytarget"
>                class="my.comp.MyTarget"
>                logger="mytarget">
>         <timed type="crontab">
>           <month> -1 </month>
>           <weekday> SUN </weekday>
>           <day> * </day>
>           <hour> 9-17/2 </hour>
>           <minute> */5 </minute>
>         </timed>
>       ...
>     </triggers>
>   </scheduler>
> In the above, triggers are handled as Avalon components and the
> scheduler takes care of instatiation and the lifecycle stuff.
> Unfortunately, the Cornerstone Scheduler toolkit doensn't offer a full
> crontab like specification of defining trigger point in time like I've
> used above (and I'd be happy to have).
> My suggestion (which I can implement if accepted) is to have a
> Scheduler that is able to do the above by use of the CommandManager
> given someone can fix Doug Leas concurrent utilities with the patch
> from Bruno.


Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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