On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 20:38, Giacomo Pati wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Aug 2003, Bruno Dumon wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 17:24, Bruno Dumon wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 15:20, Giacomo Pati wrote:
> > <snip/>
> > > > I like the way how the Cornerstone Scheduler recently integrated by
> > > > Carsten more than the CommandManager way because of its
> > > > componentisation. Still, I like to see a Scheduler as a single component
> > > > definition in the xconf file. Today we need at least three component
> > > > definitions (Scheduler, ThreadManager, TimeScheduler) as well as one for
> > > > each Target. I think this can be made much easier, like:
> > > >
> > > >   <scheduler logger="scheduler">
> > > >     <triggers>
> > > >       <trigger name="mytarget"
> > > >                class="my.comp.MyTarget"
> > > >                logger="mytarget">
> > > >         <timed type="crontab">
> > > >           <month> -1 </month>
> > > >           <weekday> SUN </weekday>
> > > >           <day> * </day>
> > > >           <hour> 9-17/2 </hour>
> > > >           <minute> */5 </minute>
> > > >         </timed>
> > > >       ...
> > > >     </triggers>
> > > >   </scheduler>
> > > >
> > > > In the above, triggers are handled as Avalon components and the
> > > > scheduler takes care of instatiation and the lifecycle stuff.
> > > >
> > > > Unfortunately, the Cornerstone Scheduler toolkit doensn't offer a full
> > > > crontab like specification of defining trigger point in time like I've
> > > > used above (and I'd be happy to have).
> > > >
> > > > My suggestion (which I can implement if accepted) is to have a
> > > > Scheduler that is able to do the above by use of the CommandManager
> > > > given someone can fix Doug Leas concurrent utilities with the patch
> > > > from Bruno.
> > >
> > > great.
> >
> > Or maybe not so great. I'm not sure the CommandManager is well suited
> > for a general purpose scheduler.
> >
> > What follows now should be read with a 'AFAIU' disclaimer:
> >
> > All commands added to the CommandManager are executed sequentially and
> > on one thread. So if there is one command that takes somewhat longer to
> > execute, it will block the execution of other commands. This may be fine
> > for management-tasks which should be executed repeatedly (but not at
> > fixed times), but for a scheduler I would expect a command to be
> > executed at the configured time.
> This is a matter of configuring a ThreadManager (which admittedly
> today the one created in the Cocoon class isn't configurable at all).
> > This could be solved by creating a different CommandManager for each
> > scheduled task, since multiple CommandManagers can be executed in
> If you have a ThreadManager with as many threads as needed you're set.
> You only need ONE CommandManager, AFAIU.

Looking at the code again, I still think that all events from one
CommandManager are handled by one thread.

If you look at the code of the AbstractThreadManager:

In the method "register( EventPipeline pipeline )" one PipelineRunner is
created to handle events from the given EventPipeline (e.g. the one of
the CommandManager).

Then in the run() method the PipelineRunners are executed in parallel by
using the PooledExecutor: m_executor.execute( nextRunner );

But in the PipelineRunner.run() method, and the
CommandManager.handleEvents() which is called by it, no new threads are

>  Looking at the ThreadManager
> code I quite don't understand what it is doing as it could use the
> Executor from Doug Leas package more efficently.
> > parallel. But then you'd still want to use a different ThreadManager
> > than the TPCThreadManager, since that will block when all threads are in
> > use.
> Or at least a configurable one.
> > The result will however be rather overkill IMHO: even commands that
> > need to be executed only weekly, will be checked every 100 ms (=
> > sleeptime parameter) to see if they need to be executed.
> Well, IMHO 100ms is far too fast even for the ContinuationManager. For
> the Scheduler a granularity of one minute is enough.
> > Conclusion: while this event-based infrastructure is quite cool, I'm not
> > convinced yet it is good for scheduling-purposes.
> First, if you look at the Cornerstone Scheduler you'll see that the
> ability to define repeated tasks are somehow limited. Business apps can
> easily request administration tasks to be run twice a day on work days.
> To define this with the Cornerstone Scheduler you'll need to add 10
> 'cron' entries to it. This is why I'd like to extend it using the unix
> cron direction to define ranges and list of timing aspects. But then
> you're faced with the problem of defining sleep time for efficient use
> (which you need to be able to cooperate in the Cornerstone Scheduler
> machinery).
> The unix cron daemon runs every minute to check if there are any jobs to
> run. It checks initially creating bitsets for the minute, hour, day,
> month, and weekday definition for each task. This makes it easy to
> check whether a task has to be launched. I still haven't found an
> algorithm (and I think there isn't an easy one available) to determine
> the sleep time until the next task is due.

Ah, didn't think that far.

>  Thus, a check every minute
> isn't much but still 1440 times a day.

But a lot less then the 864000 times a day in case of a check every 100
ms :-)

> The other thing to respect if you'd like to go as efficent as possible
> is the determination of Threads you'll need to run each cron task at the
> time specified. But this needs knowledge about how much elapsed time a
> task need to run to decide if you need one or two thread to complete to
> task defined neat in time to each other. If you have an algorithm for
> this you'll be able to define the maximum numbers of Thread you'll need.
> Otherwise you allocate a separate Thread per defined task.
> The consequences are that probably the easiest solution to a (more or
> less) complete Cron like Scheduler is an own heart beat of one minute to
> check for task to launch and a pool of Threads as big as you have task
> to process. As it seems Doug Leas concurrency tools could be configured
> to be as resource sparing as possible (have a look at
> http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/PooledExecutor.html)

Yep, I think that will be fine too.

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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