On Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003, at 14:26 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Instead of associating 'maturity levels' to the actual location of a block, I would state that as a 'label' attached to it, a label that the block deployer reacts to and prompt the user for action in case the block is not considered "final" by the community.

And maybe also use a low-tech way of adding a WARNING_BETA_BLOCK.txt or WARNING_SCRATCHPAD_BLOCK.txt file in the block source dir to make it clear to CVS browsers and coders of the status of the code.

Sure, good idea.

so, the only thing left is to define how you get those blocks "stamped", but I think it would just require a community vote with a majority.
Such "stamping" should be done thru the use of a digital certificate so that the block deployer can say "this is a block certified by the cocoon community as final".

This is a novel and interesting proposal. I think we should try it. +1

Very happy you like it :-)


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